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During the holidays, we all seem to be pulled in a million directions. Between work, work parties, family, family parties, etc. there simply isn’t enough time. With all those events in your calendar, when do you have time for yourself? It probably seems unlikely thinking of it now, but even 15 minutes can salvage your mental health after a stressful day. The holidays are stressful for everyone no matter what their profession is, which is why self-care is something not neglect this season. As a nurse or other healthcare worker, it is even harder with a less predictable schedule. If you don’t think you have time for yourself, think of all the time we spend on our phones that could be better suiting our personal health.
People sometimes neglect self-care because managing stress in a healthy way is not always practiced. Society seems to praise the people working the hardest even if they go home crying from stress. Also, self-care can be associated with selfishness, which I believe is not true. Simply getting a haircut or another self-care act makes you feel whole as a person and lowers your stress.
Nurses and other healthcare workers are always so focused on other’s well-being, that they can be more likely than other professionals to not take care of themselves. I’ve heard stories of nurses working 12-hour shifts without a lunch break or eating anything all day. While that could be due to the hospital’s demands, it just shows how much nurses really need to care for themselves.
By choosing to take time for yourself, what you are showing is that you care about your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Some people may call it over-indulgence, I call it rewarding yourself for doing all that you do. Everyone has different interests, so here are some tips for unwinding when you have time.
Very few people eat perfectly every day, but aiming to eat more healthy foods than unhealthy is a good goal. There’s no reason to deny yourself of sweets as long as it remains a small portion of your diet. Even though eating fast food at the moment is satisfying, it often makes you feel terrible for hours afterward. Here are some ways to incorporate healthy foods into your lifestyle.
When it comes to the holidays, it is easy to put your needs last and feel uncared for. This year, make your happiness a priority too. Focus on making time for yourself while also buying presents for family, and attending holiday events. This is not to say you shouldn’t focus on your loved ones because that is what the holidays are all about. But don’t lose yourself in the midst of the craziness.
During the holidays, we all seem to be pulled in a million directions. Between work, work parties, family, family parties, etc. there simply isn’t enough time. With all those events in your calendar, when do you have time for yourself?