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Before sending your child to school or continuing their education, specific immunizations are required for the maintenance and overall health of the students, teachers, and faculty. And as one enters college, a tuberculosis vaccine is required. U.S. News has cited that some states in the U.S. have closed loopholes that allow children to go to school unvaccinated. Even with some differences of opinion, the teachers and staff encourage that vaccinations are up to date to lessen illnesses in the classroom.
Schools are already a haven for germs. In and out of school, it seems many people have colds between the months of September and January. These germs are spread through not washing hands, failure to clean commonly used items, and coughing without covering your mouth. Children are particularly susceptible to becoming sick as their immune systems are still developing, which is why adults are responsible for teaching them hygienic habits and overseeing their health.
Symptoms of measles:
With the responsibility of controlling the spread of disease, the CDC is trying to discern the best way to approach vaccine-hesitant parents without making them feel attacked. This is understood as no one wants to feel attacked for their personal beliefs. However, with the resurgence of the anti-vaccine movement, healthcare professionals and anti-vaxxers must communicate with each other. Rather than simply say the other side is wrong.
Even legislators are working to close vaccine loopholes around the country. According to Forbes, Washington state had over 70 cases of measles since January 2019, and 90% of individuals were unvaccinated. While this is only one example, it represents how vaccines play a role in preventing the spread of disease.
The internet has an abundance of information with some of it being false. Since anyone can create a website or even a social media profile, misinformation can be spread on any topic. This is particularly dangerous when it comes to healthcare. Social media sites and doctors should work together to make sure the medical information being put online is true. When it comes to your personal health, you should only trust medical information from your healthcare provider, and take most medical websites with a grain of salt. Making healthcare decisions based on forums or comments written online is dangerous.
Even though the measles outbreak has been declared over in New York, it is still important to have conversations about these topics. The sudden appearance of a disease that hasn’t been reported in nearly 20 years is unnerving. It is believed that the outbreak has ended from the discussions held between friends and neighbors and the unity in protecting the health of fellow citizens. While measles is still a recurring issue in other countries, U.S. health officials recommend that people monitor their health and have regular checkups.
Pediatricians recommend:
Before sending your child to school or continuing their education, specific immunizations are required for the maintenance and overall health of the students, teachers, and faculty. U.S. News has cited that some states in the U.S. have closed loopholes that allow children to go to school unvaccinated.