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We are all aware that maintaining an active lifestyle along with a balanced diet plays an integral role in our health and happiness. However, achieving this isn’t always simple. High demand, busy shifts can get in the way and take up a big chunk of your day. Also, after a day full of tasks, it’s much easier to want to wind down and relax, rather than feeling motivated enough to begin a workout.
Apart from warding off diseases, exercising has plenty of benefits that don’t only fall into the category of physical appearance. It does wonders for your mental state and it’s the single best thing you can do to improve your mood and health. For all these reasons, working out should be at the top of your priority list, regardless of your work schedule.
Here are a variety tips and tricks for how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, no matter how busy you are throughout the day:
Do shorter workouts
Working out doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym for hours on end. The trick is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which should only take about 10-15 minutes and could make you fitter than ever before. HIIT is any exercise that alternates between intense burst of activity and less intense activity. To start you off, run as fast as you can for one minute and then walk for two minutes. Repeat this interval for 15 minutes for an immensely fat blasting workout.
Transform what you’re doing into exercise
If you’ve got a busy day ahead of you, try and turn it into your own special exercise routine. Turn your errands into a workout by running, jogging and walking wherever you can. Need to go to the grocery store? Perhaps you’ll take your bicycle there instead of your car. Need to clean up a messy home? Turn up the music and turn it into a Zumba session. Being active isn’t only about be-ing in the gym- make it a part of your daily routine and you’ll be surprised by how much better you feel afterward.
Do it with a friend
This option has definitely worked the best for me. Skipping out on a workout is less likely to happen when you’ve planned it with a friend. They can motivate you to get up and about, especially on the days when all you want to do is sit on the couch and watch movies. This will also give you more time to bond with your friends and it will go by a lot faster than doing it alone. Additionally, studies have shown that working out with a friend leads to greater weight loss, which makes this even more worthwhile for both of you.
Do something you love
Choose a sport or a workout that you actually enjoy. Not everyone wants to run on a treadmill for hours on end. Maybe it’s swimming, boxing, or even a dance class. By choosing a workout that you prefer, you’re less likely to feel like you’re overexerting yourself. Also, try something new; from Zumba classes to Pilates- you may be surprised to find a new hobby.
Start small
When beginning a new habit, it is never a good idea to do too much too soon. Working out for an hour every day, seven days a week is almost impossible. A better approach is to incorporate small exercises and build on them. For example, you could start by working out for a couple of minutes when time permits. You don’t necessarily need an hour or even 30 minutes. Even a few extra minutes can make a big difference. The small steps you begin to make can result in long-term success.
Here are a variety tips and tricks for how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, no matter how busy you are throughout the day.