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How to Cope with a Patient’s Death

Saving a life is truly one of the most incredible aspects of being a nurse. But what about when the opposite happens, and you have lost a life. Those intense feelings of failure and sadness, in addition, to “how will I tell the family?” The list of emotions goes on, yet, you have to work through it.

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Essential Nursing Items You Shouldn’t Leave Home Without

As a nurse, you might find yourself in situations in your daily life where your services are needed at a moment’s notice. It might be at a restaurant where someone has an allergic reaction and requires immediate medical attention, walking down the sidewalk when someone gets into an accident, or on an airplane where someone could have a medical emergency.

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Caring for the Homeless in a Hospital Setting

As individuals that are constantly in touch with disease and precarious living conditions, the homeless are at a higher risk of infection and death than those who live in better conditions. The prevalence of the disease in the homeless has reached an all-time high of 55%, with at least 3 to 6 times more likelihood of succumbing to disease than their housed counterparts.

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The Power of Gratitude: It Goes a Long Way

We have written on how nursing is often a thankless job, and that those who work in this line don’t do it for the recognition, but to help their brothers and sisters, and all other members of their community. Even though most nurses don’t work for fame or recognition, it doesn’t mean that a little gratitude won’t go a long way when it comes to keeping up job satisfaction.

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Settling Your Nursing Student Loan With Repayment Plans

There are several ways through which you can reduce or eliminate your student loan, which usually revolve around federal, local, and private loan repayment assistance programs. Learn about them now!

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Learn to Communicate Effectively with Your Patients

In most healthcare facilities the very first contact that the patient will have with the staff will come from nurses. Learn more about how to effectively communicate with patients as a nurse.

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Nursing in Disneyworld: The Happiest Place on Earth

As a nurse, you’re probably asking yourself one fundamental question: What’s it like to work at Disneyland? How does it feel to work in the happiest place on Earth? Find out now.

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Nurses Win the Lottery and Give Away the Money

A group of nurses working at a Missouri NICU bought and won a winning Mega Millions ticket earlier this year. And, instead of splitting or keeping the money for themselves, the benevolent nurses gave it away to two of their team members in need.

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The Definition of Lateral Violence in the Workplace

Experts define lateral violence as when “nurses covertly or overtly directing their dissatisfaction inward toward each other, towards themselves, and toward those less powerful than themselves.” In other words, nurses abusing nurses. Learn more.

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Tips for Becoming a Nurse Influencer

Most things related to social media, being a successful nurse influencer is not as simple as grabbing a phone and creating content. Here are a few tips that you could follow to help you become a nurse influencer.

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