Editors Choice


The Benefits of Participating in a Forum

As members of an incredibly innovative profession, many nurses have embraced online forums and are actively participating in order to enhance practice and improve health.

How to Prepare for your Graduate Degree in Nursing

The International Nurses Association recommends that while looking into graduate schools, you must consider what it is you desire to learn while receiving your higher education.

TodaysNurse Scholarship Winner Announcement

We are very excited to announce this year’s International Nurses Association 2016 Scholarship Winner! Meet our 2016 Scholarship Award Recipient!

I’ve Looked at Patient Advocacy from Both Sides Now

During my healthcare profession, I often served as a patient advocate, either knowingly or sub-consciously while performing my routine duties. I took satisfaction in responding to patient needs, guiding someone to the right person or department, and seeing a positive outcome. But I never realized how important a patient advocate can be until I became a patient myself.

Regular Pain Assessment Scores in Infants: Help or Hindrance?

There is an ongoing need to explore alternate methods for evaluating pain in nonverbal and preverbal patients, as well as managing the cumulative pain experience in these patients.

Balancing Home, Work, and Academic Life while Advancing Career

With practice, learning to set measurable goals and listing steps to accomplish them, becomes a form of project management of one’s life and career aspirations.


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