Workplace Violence in Nursing

By TodaysNurse

Nurses often fall victim to a whole host of different types of workplace violence, ranging from physical assault, to verbal threats, verbal harassment, sexual assault, sexual harassment, etc. The most common types of workplace violence within a hospital setting include worker-on-worker incidents, or patient-on-worker incidents.

One frequent kind of violence that is classified as patient-on-worker is ‘the confused patient’. Confused patients with brain tumors, substance abuse addictions, concussions, dementia, or some other cause of confusion sometimes wake up and immediately become scared of their surroundings, and begin ripping tubes and wires off of themselves. This type of patient is often harmless, but sometimes can cause significant damage. It is important to be overly cautious when dealing with a confused patient, because your safety is equally as important as the patient’s. Proceed with caution, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and make smart, safe decisions.

Another kind of workplace violence that is seen frequently in the field of nursing is bullying. Bully nurses can have a profound impact on another nurse’s mental health and ability to care for patients. Bully nurses often target younger nurses who aren’t established yet, due to a perceived threat. The American Nurses Association defines bullying as, “repeated, unwanted, harmful actions intended to humiliate offend and cause distress in the recipient”. Although it sounds unimportant, bully nurses can immensely decrease the level of patient care by antagonizing other nurses. If a bully nurse is in a general area, it could lead to the bullied nurse avoiding that area, neglecting a task or not properly caring for a patient. Even though it may sound outlandish, it’s likely that you know somebody who has experienced this, or you, yourself may have suffered from a bully nurse.

Unfortunately, another common type of workplace violence is sexual harassment. This can occur either between nurses or from patient to nurse.  Sexual harassment is often an issue between co-workers, whenever one person involved has assumed a position of power. This can mean that it’s a charge nurse lording power over a regular nurse, or a doctor over a nurse. If you find yourself in a situation like this, look up your hospital’s website and policies, as they likely will have a hotline or some other way to contact and report this event. If no such number exists, call human resources and report the event immediately. Never feel like you are obligated to owe something to somebody; you are a hardworking nurse with an RN and maybe a BSN as well. You’ve earned everything that you’ve gotten. Do not suffer through sexual harassment; report it.

Sexual harassment from a patient can be a little more complicated. Often, female nurses fall victim to patients inappropriately grabbing them, staring at them, and making unsuitable comments. It is important to judge the severity and the context of the situation before moving forward and taking the next step. It may be a lonely man just looking for any attention, even negative attention. It may be confused patient who doesn’t understand his current situation or where he is. No matter what, it is imperative that you confront the patient, tell them that their behavior is inappropriate and that they cannot behave like that. After taking this step, you can then consider the weight of the situation. If you feel like the patient was fully conscious and aware of their actions, it would be a good idea to tell a superior and report the incident. Again, your mental health as a nurse is important to patient health outcomes, and if you are feeling unsafe or violated, that translates to poor health outcomes for you and your other patients. However, if you deem the incident to be a misunderstanding, or a genuine accident, you’d be best suited to let it go.

Violence in the workplace can take any and all forms. To best be prepared to deal with these events, know your employee rights, handbook, and hotlines. Many hospitals are prepared with the necessary procedures, should you fall victim to any type of violence in the workplace. Know that you are not a tattletale. Report any incident that makes you feel uncomfortable, because that affects you, which in turn affects your patients.

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Workplace Violence in Nursing

Nurses often fall victim to a whole host of different types of workplace violence, ranging from physical assault, to verbal threats, verbal harassment, sexual assault, sexual harassment. Read more about workplace violence here.

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