7 Essential Nurse Leadership Skills

Alongside being compassionate and caring, nurses must also be leaders in the healthcare world. Whether you are just starting out as a nurse or a nurse who has been working for years, you already know that you’ll come across various challenges throughout your career. Equipping yourself with the right set of skills will only help you and your peers overcome these challenges and take your career to the next level.

These are 7 of the most essential skills every nurse leader needs in order to succeed.

1. Adaptability

The healthcare system today is rapidly changing, and might be a little chaotic at times. Some of these changes can influence the hospital or facility, the quality of care, and the employees. And, sometimes, these changes can stress or worry you. But, when faced with a challenge, it’s crucial for nurse leaders to face the music and embrace the changes. Being adaptable can help you empower your peers and improve the quality of your work.

2. Team-building skills

Behind every great nurse leader, there is an even greater team. Being a leader requires you to help build effective and successful work relationships. As nurses, you all have the same goal: giving patients the quality care that they need. The best way to achieve your goals is by cooperating and collaborating with your peers. Yes, building a team is not always easy. But as a nurse leader, you need to find ways to collaborate with your team and be a role model.

3. Decision-making skills

Being a decision maker is one of the key qualities of a leader. You might have to make decisions that will directly affect your organization. But, decisions in healthcare are often tough calls, and need to be based on research and science in order for you to achieve successful results. Learning strategies for decision-making can be used by you and future nurse leaders, and these strategies may include using databases or asking communities of experts to help make them. Whichever ways you find to help, make sure that others in your organization understand them. It’s the only way for you and your team to successfully overcome your challenges.

4. Emotional intelligence

Every nurse requires a certain level of emotional intelligence in order to succeed. However, all nurse leaders in clinical settings need to help their co-workers and team members to develop their own level of emotional intelligence to provide high-quality care. This might include helping your peers cope with certain challenges that they will find in their daily routine, like a difficult patient or even a grieving family. Nurse leaders need to know the proper way to assist their peers in these challenges, because it can influence their team members’ overall health and wellbeing as well.

5. Professionalism

Being a leader requires confidence and competence in any field. As a nurse leader, you are the face of the nursing field, and you might be the only point of contact within your organization. You might have to represent your organization or facility in a meeting or with other professionals, so it’s important for you to know how to present yourself. Also, you play a vital role for other nurses who might want a leadership role in the future. So, by being a professional role model for others, you are also setting the stage for other leaders who will come after you. Set an example.

6. Technology skills

Our healthcare world is growing increasingly dependent on technology… which isn’t necessarily a bad thing! As a leader, you need to understand the current technological advancements that your staff is going to use, including Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Clinical Decision Support (CDS), and biometric support. By 2020, the use of technology is most likely to be commonplace. So, make sure to arm yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge for the future because it’s fast-approaching.

7. Communication skills

As a leader, you will be managing over a team of other nurses. So, communication skills are a must. You will be coordinating trainees’ rounds and engaging with other healthcare professionals. With communication skills, you need to know how to convey exactly what you want and need from your staff while also knowing how to professionally engage with others in your field.


  1. https://online.sxu.edu/programs/masters-degree-nursing/resources/8-leadership-skills-nurses-need-to-be-successful
  2. https://online.regiscollege.edu/blog/9-essential-qualities-nurse-leadership/

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7 Essential Nurse Leadership Skills

Equipping yourself with the right set of skills will only help you and your peers overcome these challenges and take your career to the next level. These are 7 of the most essential skills every nurse leader needs in order to succeed.

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