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As a nurse, one would be dreading about working the night shift. Yes, of course, working night shifts will be challenging, especially for new graduates and for other nurses who are used to working shifts during the day. However, nurses should consider the positive sides of working at night.
For instance, nurses who have no issues working the night shift may actually be in greater demand. Newly graduated nurses might be able to start in the desired position and/or specialty by accepting less popular shifts. Furthermore, working night shifts would have a slower pace of work with fewer distractions. So, nurses would have more time with their patients, thereby, being able to persist through their challenges.
Here are a few tips for nurses who are working the night shift! And, we promise, these tips will make your shift go by a lot easier.
Setting a Sleep Schedule:
If a nurse moves to the night shift, then her body’s natural sleep schedule will be thrown off. For these nurses, sleep may no longer be possible. They should realize that day sleeping is their only option and set up a sleeping schedule accordingly. While doing so, they must remember that it’s important to get an adequate amount of sleep even when the sun is out. If a nurse has chosen to work multiple times in a week, she should get her body used to the night shift. For this, setting a sleep schedule and sticking to it is important. In this, she or he should not forget to include eating in their schedule. Setting a schedule and following it would help his or her body be transitioned to the shifts easily.
Keeping a check on the caffeine consumption:
Generally, people would tend to rely on coffee mugs to keep themselves awake and alert during night shifts. But, the fact is that this is one of the worst ways to set themselves up. While it’s true that drinking a lot of coffee will help a nurse feel energized at the beginning of the shift, it would only lead to a lack of energy in the later part of the shift. Eventually, the individual will not be able to stay alert even after drinking a lot of coffee. So, the nurses working the night shifts are advised to avoid caffeine consumption for the most part. Even if they need one, they could just go for a single cup in the later part of the shift. Thus, it could act as a last-minute boosting aid rather than something that they depend on.
Eating a low glycemic diet:
Some nurses will be already be doing this. But, they should be excited to know that this simple tip is quoted in several articles out there. Also, there is a new piece of information for the night shift nurses. These nurses are suggested to have a heavy meal in the evening before going to work the night shift. They are advised not to take any heavy meal in the middle of their shift and in the morning. The best way to keep their nutrient intake in check is by taking smaller low glycemic snacks. They are suggested to have such snacks every three hours during their shift. They can also take some kind of nutritional shake or bar with them for the shift. This will make sure that their nutritional requirement is met when at the same time being able to keep them awake through the nights.
Moving around during breaks:
Although nighttime is not a good time for exercises, moderate exercise is important in several aspects. As such, the nurses are advised to move their bodies whenever possible to get their blood circulating. These moderate exercises will also help ward off sleepiness at work. At the same time, the calories that are burnt with these exercises will also contribute to their ability to sleep when they get home in the morning. If the nurses are working night shifts in a hospital, they can take some brisk walks up and down the steps to keep themselves energetic. They can even do some yoga or meditation in any quiet corner during their breaks.
Having long conversations with the co-workers:
Most often, the night shift will be less busy compared to the day ones. The patients will be either sleeping or they will be less active. Therefore, there will be some dull and calm moments on the shift, which will make nurses sleepy. The best way to pass their time during such dull hours is to be social with their co-workers. Being social in the form of talking will be mutually beneficial. Good and long conversations with their colleagues can help nurses stay alert when at the same time being helpful in building relationships. Talking to veteran nurses will also help them get some survival tips as well.
Thus, adapting oneself to a night shift schedule won’t be difficult if nurses implement the above-mentioned tips in their daily routine.
Working night shifts will be challenging, especially for new graduates and for other nurses who are used to working shifts during the day. However, nurses should consider the positive sides of working at night. Here are a few tips!