Nurses in the Spotlight

Aromatherapy for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one of the greatest concerns following surgery under general anesthesia.

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Under Pressure: Managing Stress as a Nurse

Pressure: A very familiar word in the medical field, right? When I hear “pressure” I think of blood pressure, venous pressure, arterial pressure, and the like.

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Regular Pain Assessment Scores in Infants: Help or Hindrance?

There is an ongoing need to explore alternate methods for evaluating pain in nonverbal and preverbal patients, as well as managing the cumulative pain experience in these patients.

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Balancing Home, Work, and Academic Life while Advancing Career

With practice, learning to set measurable goals and listing steps to accomplish them, becomes a form of project management of one’s life and career aspirations.

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Sometimes Our Important Job Is the One We Don’t Get Paid For

While the Cost of Everything Keeps Rising, the Cost of Being Kind Remains the Same… Free

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Where Nursing Has Led Me

“…People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Interestingly enough, this quote by Maya Angelou was my senior quote in high­-school and it has proven true in my career as a nurse in so many ways.

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My Life as a Licensed Practical Nurse

I am an LPN, which stands for Licensed PROUD Nurse.

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Community Preparedness and Nursing: Are we truly ready for what lies ahead ?

The world is getting more complex everyday and the healthcare system globally, remains dynamic and forever changing.

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The Power of Perception

The field of Psychiatry carries with it a world filled with an ever-­increasing number of challenges when it comes to providing the necessary guidance required in assisting any one individual diagnosed with a mental illness. It can become even more so difficult, not only for this population of focus, but even more so for the healthcare community of doctors, therapists, social workers, case managers, and in nurses, themselves, who have been working so passionately to assist in humanity’s plight for peace, clarity, and calm within our everyday lives.

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Healthy Coaching: FEMTIQUE Associates, Inc.

FEMTIQUE Associates Inc. is a non-­profit Health Coaching organization founded by Judith Beaulieu, RN BSN MIS CHC RYI CLC in 2011. Health Coach Services bring ideas and information from all areas of life to achieve goals, overcome obstacles, provide emotional support, listen with loving kindness, pose questions to bring about awareness, direct you to reliable sources of information and advocate for your best interest.

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