TodaysNurse Exclusive

This section keeps members up to date on all that TodaysNurse has to offer. With valuable information on scholarships, mentorship opportunities, clinical resources, as well as advice and inspiration to continue to succeed in today’s tough economy. As the fastest growing publisher of medical professional biographies, TodaysNurse delivers its members the recognition and competitive edge needed to survive in an ever-changing and complex medical environment.

Why Procrastination Will Hurt You

Procrastination has been studied as a phenomena in different spectrums of life and human nature. When it comes to nursing students, the consequences of procrastination can be dire.

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Celebrating American Heart Month

The purpose of American Heart Month is to serve as a reminder and raise awareness. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Cardiovascular disease (including strokes) causes one third of American deaths annually. About half of Americans have at least one risk factor of eventual cardiovascular disease. Why remind us of this morbidity? What’s to celebrate? Change.

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Reasons Why You Should Make Friends with Other Nursing Students

The International Nurses Association (INA) strongly encourages nurses to connect with their peers to seek advice, understanding and friendship during one of the most important journeys of a nurse’s life.

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The Benefits of Participating in a Forum

As members of an incredibly innovative profession, many nurses have embraced online forums and are actively participating in order to enhance practice and improve health.

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How to Prepare for your Graduate Degree in Nursing

The International Nurses Association recommends that while looking into graduate schools, you must consider what it is you desire to learn while receiving your higher education.

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TodaysNurse Scholarship Winner Announcement

We are very excited to announce this year’s International Nurses Association 2016 Scholarship Winner! Meet our 2016 Scholarship Award Recipient!

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TodaysNurse Education Scholarship 2016

The International Nurses Association (INA) Scholarship is designed to help deserving students attain their educational goals, meet their professional objectives, and succeed to their fullest ability.

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How Can I Get This Stain Out?!

It’s been a long and messy shift. You get home and look in the mirror for the first time in six hours, and there it is ­­ a huge stain on your scrubs. What do you do? Don’t throw them away just yet. If you have a hunch that a simple washing cycle won’t do, follow these tips to help get your scrubs clean again.

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