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What To Know About Respiratory Diseases

Lung diseases and conditions are considered some of the most common medical conditions in the world. Millions of people each year suffer from lung disease in the U.S. The most common causes of lung diseases are smoking, infections, occupational risks, and genetics. While some of the factors can be prevented, such as by not smoking, others like genetics cannot be. 

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How To Protect Yourself From Infectious Agents

Germs exist everywhere, from the surface of a desk to a doorknob and even your own cell phone. While most germs won’t seriously harm you, some can make you slightly sick such as the common cold. Because of our immune systems, most healthy individuals are able to fight off sickness every day.

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The Effect on the Cruise Industry & Tourism

The outbreak of the coronavirus, the source of many fatalities across the world, is heavily impacting the tourism/travel industry. The unprecedented, rapid spread of COVID-19 has stopped many people in their tracks who were previously considering taking a trip this spring or summer. Learn more here.

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Coronavirus and Cruise Ship Infection Rate

The coronavirus, now referred to by health officials as COVID-19, has been said to originate from Wuhan, China, and causes a potentially fatal respiratory disease. Since its discovery, there have been over 83,907 people infected and 2,869 deaths across the world. Learn more here.

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The Vaccine Conversation

Before sending your child to school or continuing their education, specific immunizations are required for the maintenance and overall health of the students, teachers, and faculty. U.S. News has cited that some states in the U.S. have closed loopholes that allow children to go to school unvaccinated.

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Staying Home When You Have the Flu

It’s February and the cases of the flu seem to be rapidly increasing. The reason the flu is spreading so quickly is not that people are unvaccinated, most are. It is because the infection is spreading through people going to school or work when sick. Some parents sent their child to school with the flu, sometimes unknowingly, and this passes it on to another child.

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Influenza B: The Strain of 2020 Flu Season

Influenza, also known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory infection caused by viruses, that starts in October and lasts through April. While the flu causes mild symptoms in most people, it can lead to severe illness and even death in certain groups, such as infants, children, and the elderly. The flu is responsible for many losses of life each year, but that is often overlooked. 

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6 Common Cold and Flu Myths

You take your vitamin C tablets daily and you wash your hands constantly, however, you still get sick. Sometimes even the most cautious people can become sick, due to the myths misunderstood by others. Many of these myths pertaining to the common cold and flu are still believed by many today.

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Valentine’s Day Jokes For Nurses

You have to have a little humor when you work in the medical field. Especially when you work in an environment as serious as a hospital. Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year where you can be cheesy about love and romance and no one can say anything. Indulge yourself with these funny and adorable Valentine’s Day jokes that only someone in the medical field would understand. My personal favorite is “We Be-Lung Together.”

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Why Nurses Deserve More Appreciation

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, love is fixated on romantic relationships. Even though love comes in many forms, the love for your family, your friends, and your pets. Nurses who shower their patients with care and love every day, deserve extra recognition and appreciation on this holiday.

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