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permastruct: forum use_home_url: 0 url: Array ( [title] => Nurse Advisor Magazine Forum [description] => Nurse Advisor Magazine Discussion Board [lang] => 1 [menu_position] => 23 ) pageid:519 default_groupid: 3 Array ( [layout_qa_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_qa_intro_topics_count] => 3 [layout_extended_intro_topics_count] => 5 [layout_qa_intro_topics_length] => 90 [layout_extended_intro_topics_length] => 45 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_toggle] => 0 [layout_threaded_display_subforums] => 1 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_count] => 10 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_length] => 0 [layout_threaded_filter_buttons] => 1 [layout_threaded_add_topic_button] => 1 [display_current_viewers] => 1 ) Array ( [layout_extended_intro_posts_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_posts_count] => 4 [layout_extended_intro_posts_length] => 50 [recent_posts_type] => topics [topics_per_page] => 10 [eot_durr] => 300 [dot_durr] => 300 [posts_per_page] => 15 [eor_durr] => 300 [dor_durr] => 300 [max_upload_size] => 10485760 [attach_cant_view_msg] => You are not permitted to view this attachment [tags] => 1 [max_tags] => 5 [tags_per_page] => 100 [edit_topic] => 1 [edit_post] => 1 [layout_threaded_posts_per_page] => 5 [layout_qa_posts_per_page] => 15 [layout_qa_comments_limit_count] => 3 [layout_qa_first_post_reply] => 1 [layout_threaded_nesting_level] => 5 [layout_threaded_first_post_reply] => 0 [display_current_viewers] => 1 [display_recent_viewers] => 1 [display_admin_viewers] => 1 [union_first_post] => Array ( [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 0 ) [search_max_results] => 100 [topic_body_min_length] => 2 [topic_body_max_length] => 0 [post_body_min_length] => 2 [post_body_max_length] => 0 [comment_body_min_length] => 2 [comment_body_max_length] => 0 [toolbar_location_topic] => top [toolbar_location_reply] => top ) Array ( [custom_title_is_on] => 1 [default_title] => Member [members_per_page] => 15 [online_status_timeout] => 240 [url_structure] => nicename [search_type] => search [login_url] => [register_url] => [lost_password_url] => [redirect_url_after_login] => [redirect_url_after_register] => [redirect_url_after_confirm_sbscrb] => [title_usergroup] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 0 ) [title_second_usergroup] => Array ( [1] => 0 [5] => 0 [4] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 ) [rating_title_ug] => Array ( [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [rating_badge_ug] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [rating] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [points] => 0 [title] => New Member [color] => #d2d2d2 [icon] => fa-star-half-o ) [1] => Array ( [points] => 5 [title] => Active Member [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fa-star ) [2] => Array ( [points] => 20 [title] => Eminent Member [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fa-star ) [3] => Array ( [points] => 50 [title] => Trusted Member [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fa-star ) [4] => Array ( [points] => 100 [title] => Estimable Member [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fa-star ) [5] => Array ( [points] => 250 [title] => Reputable Member [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fa-star ) [6] => Array ( [points] => 500 [title] => Honorable Member [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fa-certificate ) [7] => Array ( [points] => 750 [title] => Prominent Member [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fa-certificate ) [8] => Array ( [points] => 1000 [title] => Noble Member [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fa-certificate ) [9] => Array ( [points] => 2500 [title] => Famed Member [color] => #ff812d [icon] => fa-shield ) [10] => Array ( [points] => 5000 [title] => Illustrious Member [color] => #e04a47 [icon] => fa-trophy ) ) ) Array ( [from_name] => Nurse Advisor Magazine - Forum [from_email] => [admin_emails] => [new_topic_notify] => 1 [new_reply_notify] => 0 [confirmation_email_subject] => Please confirm subscription to [entry_title] [confirmation_email_message] => Hello [member_name]!
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