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Where to find open nursing positions?

Joined: 55 years ago
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What is everyone's favorite websites/resources for finding open nursing positions?

Joined: 55 years ago
Posts: 0 is a good source or the few other nursing websites, but word of mouth is best to me. If you know anyone who works anywhere ask them for the name of someone and call them and talk to them, or ask a friend if they will put in a word. I live on the outskirts of Houston and we are always looking for nurses. I am not aware of any hospital that isn't. lol Some are just more pickier than others. Ask your friend though to talk to someone for you. This is how I landed my job 2 yrs ago.

Joined: 55 years ago
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I have several website that I check on a weekly basis and I do get job listing via email from indeed, state websites ( example: Department of Labor),beyond, fellow some companies through LinkedIn and networking. Also, check newspapers and by word of mouth which can be very helpful.

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Networking and word of mouth. Tell anyone who will listen what you're looking for and interested in career-wise. Especially people with connections ;-). That's how I've successfully landed every nursing job I've had. Applying online will get you somewhere if you have a stellar resume, etc. but what if no one ever sees it in the actual/electronic pile of 873 other resumes?

I loathe self promotion, but I'm a firm believer at this point. Reach out to people you know, and make it easy for them to say "yes" I can help. Also, follow Ramit Sethi. ( He's a brilliant entrepreneur who's spent years researching psychology and career/life success. I've taken a few of his courses, and they're worth every penny.

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I live in Texas and am a member of the TNA. They send statewide job listings out each month. Occassionally the have jobs listed from other states as well. This is my preferred job search. I also am set up to received listings from Indeed also. What is your favorites?



Active Member Moderator
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 9

These are great points, Kelly.  Networking with like-minded individuals in or around the field of healthcare can prove surprisingly fruitful in creating new opportunities and experiences.

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