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[Sticky] Welcome, New Members!

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Joined: 9 years ago
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We'd like to take a moment and welcome our newest members.  Whether you found us via Facebook or other avenues,  thanks for being a part of our growing community!

To our new members, what kinds of backgrounds do you possess?  What drove you to the healthcare field in the first place? We want to hear from you!

New Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 3

Hello. I think that the nurse's role in my country and your country is rather different. Maybe in my country,we are more depent on doctor than you. Can you give me some advices to improve it?

Active Member Moderator
Joined: 9 years ago
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Hello! It's great to have you here!  Nursing as a profession differs vastly in many countries.  Nurses have many different roles, and each department, clinic, or hospital works differently than the next. This is especially true when crossing borders of countries.  Nursing and its application is analyzed by environmental factors and the needs of a given organization.

We'd like to invite any nurses participating in the forums to discuss their opinions on the matter!   Please share your thoughts.  Your experience matters to us!



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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1


I just happened to see your website!  As an old school nurse I am always eager to learn. What nursing schools teach now is far beyond what nurses were taught back in the day. Back then it was 2 years of pre-nursing and full four years of nursing school. We wore our nursing caps and donned the blue nursing cape. How times have changed! Due to COVID many of my co-workers switched careers or retired due to burn-out. 

I had hoped to subscribe to your magazine but I haven’t found posts past 2016 (?) I was wondering if your magazine is still active? 

Have a good day! 

Robyne Koopman


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