What is the difference between Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

When someone feels pain in their chest and has difficulty breathing, there could be many reasons for it. Most chest infections tend to have similar symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose from another. Whether the infection is pneumonia, bronchitis, or something else, is important to know to treat it. Also, some of these illnesses are contagious while others aren’t. 

Certain people are more likely than others to develop chest infections, so there should always be precautions taken to prevent any infections with hand washing and other good hygiene practices. 

Common symptoms of chest infections

The common symptoms of chest infections include frequent coughing, difficulty breathing, chest pain and tightness, headache, fever, wheezing, pain in the joints and muscles, loss of appetite, and confusion. Additional symptoms have also been reported. 

Causes of chest infections

A chest infection can sometimes be caused by asthma or allergies. However, people who suffer from diseases like COPD, HIV, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis are more susceptible to developing chest infections. Typically, people with heart diseases or immune disorders are more likely to become sick, to begin with. So it is especially important for people with these conditions to take extra precautions.

Types of chest infections

There are various parts within the chest that can become infected. Therefore, knowing the origin of the infection can help diagnose the type of infection. For example, pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Meanwhile, bronchitis is an infection of the bronchial tubes, which are the passages that bring air to the lungs.

When someone has pneumonia, a bacteria or virus will cause inflammation in the lungs and the air sacs fill with fluids. The sufferer experiences the symptoms of a general chest infection in addition to a high fever, fast heartbeat, chills, and faster breathing. If the pneumonia is severe, a person may need to be hospitalized. It can be diagnosed by looking at an x-ray of the lungs.

During bronchitis, the sufferer will experience the typical symptoms of a chest infection. Although bronchitis is not usually as severe as pneumonia. 

Types of bronchitis

Bronchitis can be acute, chronic, or allergic:

  • Acute bronchitis: The most common type of bronchitis, which usually develops from an infection around the respiratory system or a cold or flu virus. This type of bronchitis usually goes away in a few days or weeks, depending on the treatment.
  • Chronic bronchitis: The most serious type of bronchitis, requiring immediate medical attention. When your bronchi are constantly inflamed, you will know you have chronic bronchitis. The person will have bronchitis year after year and the symptoms can last for months.
  • Allergic bronchitis: Allergic bronchitis develops from an allergic reaction to a specific allergen which triggers a response.

What is the difference between asthma and bronchitis?

Bronchitis is defined as a condition in which the lining of the bronchial tubes becomes inflamed. The bronchial tubes are responsible for carrying air from your lungs. People contract bronchitis as a result of a respiratory infection or other health conditions. 

Meanwhile, asthma is a condition where the air passages in the lungs become swollen, and they produce extra mucus. The asthma sufferer may experience shortness of breath and coughing or wheezing. This can make it very difficult for the person to even breathe. Asthma does not have a direct cause but may be the result of hereditary or environmental factors. 

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What is the difference between Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

When someone feels pain in their chest and has difficulty breathing, there could be many reasons for it. Most chest infections tend to have similar symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose from another. Whether the infection is pneumonia, bronchitis, or something else, is important to know to treat it. Also, some of these illnesses are contagious while others aren’t. 

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