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ViewsIt’s no secret that the nursing field is filled with obstacles that can turn a simple task into an uphill battle. Your scrubs will get stained, you’ll have to deal with difficult patients, and you’ll have to perform tasks that are uncomfortable for both the patient and yourself. In short, a nurse has to do what a nurse has to do. However, do you really need to complicate yourself by dealing with certain things other than caring for your patients? There should be a way to deal with these obstacles that prevent you from doing your job.
In this article, we go over several tips and tricks that will certainly help you make your life a little easier in the workplace. These hacks are essential in helping you focus on getting things done, and less about the details.
There will be occasions — especially during emergencies — where you will need to be quick and provide aid to a patient. In times like these, your scrubs could get stained with blood, vomit, or other bodily fluids. This is a common hazard of the trade, and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it, especially if you’re caught off guard. However, you can easily deal with most stains, especially the ones that are harder to remove, by scrubbing the area with hydrogen peroxide. Besides working wonders on wounds, this is the go-to miracle stain remover for nurses in a pinch.
Additionally, you may also have to deal with some messy meals. Whatever the reason, if you’re ever faced with a hectic, abrupt meal, which also happens to be messy, try to wear an isolation gown as an apron. In this sense, you can have a quick bite without having to worry about staining your scrubs; just slip the gown on and go to chow town!
There are several standard procedures that you, as a nurse, will have to perform on some patients. Two of the most uncomfortable routine procedures are inserting a nasogastric tube, as well as applying a urethral catheter.
For the former, a good recommendation to reduce the discomfort and possible pain of insertion is to take a syringe with lubricant and squeeze it into the urethra. By lubricating not only the tip of the catheter, but also the urethra, this will make the procedure much more bearable for the patient, and much easier for you. For the latter, you could soak the nasogastric tube in ice water for 10 to 20 minutes, or leave it in the freezer for 30 minutes before insertion. The cold will reduce much of the discomfort that the patient experiences when getting their tube inserted.
It’s not uncommon for some nurses, especially the inexperienced ones, to require two or even three tries at successfully inserting an IV line. This is because some patients have blood vessels that are difficult to see, and even harder to feel. A good tip to increase your odds of success in this endeavor is to take a warm washcloth and apply it to the area you pick for the IV. The heat of the cloth will make the blood vessels dilate, which makes it easier to feel for a suitable vein.
Complicated patients are a dime a dozen, especially in hospitals. There are a few ways that will help make things easier for both parties when it comes to dealing with certain conflicts.
For restless patients who won’t stop shuffling in their beds, try to give them a task that they can focus on while you perform your routine duties. Bring them a tangled cord and ask them to untangle it, or a pair or unfolded washcloths and ask them to fold them for you. This will keep them still for a few minutes while you finish with what you need to do.
On the other hand, when treating patients with autism, it might be better to assign them one permanent nurse for the day shift, and another for the night shift. People with autism thrive on routines and rituals and would fare better during their hospital stay by interacting with the same familiar faces on a daily basis.
There may come a time when you will be exposed to every single bodily odor imaginable. While most of these are tolerable under normal circumstances, some might be more difficult and will require you to take certain measures to avoid exposure. A foolproof way to protect your sense of smell is to apply toothpaste or vaporub to the inner layer of your mask. This works wonders when trying to avoid some odors.
These are some of the most common issues faced by nurses around the world. Keep these tips in mind on your next shift to make it go much smoother for both your patients and yourself.
It’s no secret that the nursing field is filled with obstacles that can turn a simple task into an uphill battle. Your scrubs will get stained, you’ll have to deal with difficult patients, and you’ll have to perform tasks that are uncomfortable for both the patient and yourself. A nurse has to do what a nurse has to do, but here are a few tips and tricks that’ll help you make your job a little easier.
It was very helpful reading the pros and cons of school nursing. It will be a new challenge for me. I hope it is a good fit.
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