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This section keeps members up to date on all that TodaysNurse has to offer. With valuable information on scholarships, mentorship opportunities, clinical resources, as well as advice and inspiration to continue to succeed in today’s tough economy. As the fastest growing publisher of medical professional biographies, TodaysNurse delivers its members the recognition and competitive edge needed to survive in an ever-changing and complex medical environment.

Home Health Nursing: Is It For You?

Have you ever wished to impart your nursing services and knowledge to the community, but without being restricted to the confines of a hospital setting? There are people out there making a difference by working directly in their communities, helping senior citizens and other individuals in need, and helping to turn the neighborhood into a healthier place.

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The Administrative Side of Nursing

It comes as no surprise that the first thing you see when entering a hospital is numerous nurses going back and forth tending to their patients and duties. After all, nurses are basically the lifeblood of the healthcare system; without their tireless service, hospitals, clinics, and other health facilities simply could not function.

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Staying Healthy This Fall

The change in seasons can not only affect us physically in terms of feeling too hot or cold, but it can also affect our moods. According to Dr. Gilles Vandewalle from the University of Liege, “Mood and immunity are well known to change with seasons in humans and there are indications that several brain aspects could also be seasonal.”

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Want to Impart Your Nursing Knowledge?

As a nurse, you’re not a stranger to the struggles of nursing school. You are well acquainted with the long hours of cramming, as well as sleepless nights of preparation for your exams. All of that was so you could earn your degree and begin your career in providing medical aid and assistance to your patients.

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How Nurses Can Survive The Night Shift

Everyone knows that feeling of dread when you have an upcoming dental appointment. For most nurses, that is how they feel when they have a scheduled night shift. You try your best to avoid it, but ultimately have to do it.

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From Nurse to Doctor: An Uphill Battle?

In the field of healthcare, both nurses and physicians have different, yet important roles to fill. All of which revolve around treating patients, saving their lives, and ensuring their well-being both in and out of the hospital.

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How Medical Shows (Don’t) Measure Up

I myself am guilty of loving medical shows, despite knowing how entirely inaccurate most of them are. From the constant love triangles to the abundance of rare cases and the endless drama. How do you not get sucked in? Most medical shows fall under the category “Drama” for this reason.

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5 Ways Nurses Can Make A Side Income

Even though nurses earn a steady income, factors such as student debt and unpredictable hours can lead them to want extra income. With the stresses already present at work, they may want to make money through another avenue while still utilizing their skills.

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How To Become A Cruise Ship Nurse

Most nurses flock to hospitals after finishing college and stay there for their entire careers. But what about a more exciting and possibly fulfilling career path…a cruise ship nurse. This is not for a nurse that is fresh out of nursing school, but a nurse who has been in the field for a few years.

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The 12-Hour Shift

If you look at any nursing blog, you will likely see nurses debating whether a 12-hour shift or an 8-hour shift is better. Since every person operates differently, it is hard to make an objective statement on which shift is in fact better. Some people work better during long shifts, while others feel exhausted after an 8-hour shift.

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