Editors Choice


Older Nurse On Other Side Of Health Care

It was May 1980; nursing graduation day and the reciting of the Nightingale Pledge, that includes, “I will devote myself to the welfare of those committed in my care.”

Sometimes Our Important Job Is the One We Don’t Get Paid For

While the Cost of Everything Keeps Rising, the Cost of Being Kind Remains the Same… Free

My Life as a Licensed Practical Nurse

I am an LPN, which stands for Licensed PROUD Nurse.

Check Your Caller ID…It may be Bacteria Calling!

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has.

The Power of Perception

The field of Psychiatry carries with it a world filled with an ever-­increasing number of challenges when it comes to providing the necessary guidance required in assisting any one individual diagnosed with a mental illness. It can become even more so difficult, not only for this population of focus, but even more so for the healthcare community of doctors, therapists, social workers, case managers, and in nurses, themselves, who have been working so passionately to assist in humanity’s plight for peace, clarity, and calm within our everyday lives.

The Struggle of the Nursing Student

Recently, I returned to nursing school to first, expand my knowledge of nursing. Secondly, in hopes of improving my current skill set as well as polishing up my old ones. To my surprise, I was met with a harsh reality.


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