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The Penny Theory – Novice to Expert and Back Again – Part II

The seasoned nurse is now known as, according to Benner’s theory, an expert in his or her area of expertise. This could be ICU, NICU, ER, Med-Surg, or many other areas of nursing.

The Penny Theory – Novice to Expert and Back Again – Part I

The journey begins with the decision to become a nurse. The course of study for any college or university level student is often laden with hours of reading and studying.

Correctional Nursing

Correctional nurses face a multitude of challenges, except these challenges occur inside the walls of correctional facilities. A correctional nurse spends each day providing various forms of healthcare to prison inmates.

Honoring Our Nurses During National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week begins on May 6th and ends on May 12th, honoring the over 3 million working nurses in the U.S.

Special Nursing Honors For National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week begins on May 6th and ends on May 12th, honoring the over 3 million working nurses in the U.S.

Why I Chose Nursing

I was interested in behavioral health as a preteen, since I was in a dysfunctional immediate family situation, I was seriously curious; “there had to be reasons for these behaviors”.


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