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How Are New Viruses Formed?

According to infectious disease experts, human encounters with wild animals are often the cause of new viruses. When a human encounters a wild animal, a virus that is too small to see in person could be transferred from the animal to the human with no way to stop it.

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Herd Immunity & The Coronavirus

Many experts believe that the coronavirus will continue to spread until there is a transmission level of about 50 to 60 percent. Currently, about 3.83 million Americans have the coronavirus out of a total population of 330 million.

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5 Reasons Why Face Masks Will Help

In many states across the U.S., you are legally required to wear a face mask to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Health professionals say it is not just about protecting yourself, but about protecting others.

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Why Are Nurses Losing Their Jobs During The Pandemic?

As hospitals continue to lose revenue, millions of health care workers have lost their jobs. On top of economic and emotional hardship, the loss of jobs in the health care field is very concerning.

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Do I Have the Flu or Coronavirus?

It is common to confuse the symptoms of COVID-19 with the seasonal flu. Both have many similar symptoms which can overlap the conditions and make it more difficult to diagnose without a proper test. Learn more here.

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Shortness of Breath: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

The coronavirus is known to worsen the symptoms of those with underlying conditions such as chronic pulmonary disease, which is a chronic lung condition that causes shortness of breath. Learn more here.

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How To Find Strength During The Pandemic

For many of us, we feel the emotional weight of the pandemic. While we are often told to be strong and have strength through hard times, what does that really mean? Showing strength means not cowering in the face of adversity or uncertain times. Learn more here.

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Warm Weather Won’t Stop the Spread of COVID-19

Now that it’s officially summer, warm weather is heating up the country. Many health professionals speculated that the virus would wane with warmer temperatures, as does the seasonal flu virus in the spring and summer. Learn more here.

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The Safety of Public Beaches and Pools

Summer is often synonymous with the words pools and beaches, a subject of concern amid a global pandemic. The opening and closures of beaches have been debated throughout the last few months with very different viewpoints. Beaches, such as those in Newport Beach, California, and Clearwater Beach, Florida, opened early on but were extremely overcrowded.

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Are Vacation Rentals Safe This Summer?

Vacation rentals have seen an increase in popularity over the past few years. Many people know of the most common type of rental Airbnb, which has seen a drastic reduction in customers as of late. Before the pandemic, young adults often used these online platforms or to book vacation rentals with friends or the summer.

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