Everything You Need to Know About Meningitis

Meningitis refers to inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes that enclose the human brain, as well as the spinal cord. Meningitis will occur when the fluid surrounding the meninges is infected and can be caused by certain bacteria, viruses, or funguses. In the United States, most cases of meningitis caused by a viral infection. Viral meningitis will be less severe, when compared to the other forms, and can be treated at home. The bacterial and fungal infections would require prolonged hospitalization.

Here is a detailed guide on the various forms meningitis can take, and a further understanding of how it should be treated.

Bacterial Meningitis:

This is the most severe form of meningitis and the affected individual would need immediate medical attention. This form can be life-threatening or can lead to brain damage if not attended immediately. Around five to forty percent of children and twenty to fifty percent of adults with the condition die even with proper treatment. As such, bacterial meningitis can be caused by several different species of bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Listeria monocytogenes.

Another bacterial species called Haemophilus influenzae type b is known to be the most common cause of meningitis in infants and children. But, the discovery of Hib vaccine eradicated the problem now.There are vaccines available for Streptococcus pneumonia and Neisseria meningitides as well. The children and adults who are at risk of contracting the disease are recommended to get these vaccines.

Generally, bacterial meningitis will start when the microbe gets into the bloodstream of the individual. As such, it can enter the bloodstream from the sinus, ear, or throat. The microbe will pass through the bloodstream to reach the brain. This infection can spread from one person to another when the infected person cough or sneeze.

Viral Meningitis:

As mentioned earlier, this is the most common form of meningitis in the U.S. As such, this is the less serious form, although not always. The most common type of virus to cause meningitis is the “enterovirus”, which is responsible for almost 85% of cases. Within this category, the prominent types are coxsackievirus-A, coxsackievirus-B, and echovirus. Every year, the viruses in the enterovirus category cause about ten to fifteen million infections. However, only a small percent of individuals who get infected would develop meningitis. The other viruses that are known to cause the condition are:

  • West Nile virus
  • Influenza
  • Mumps
  • HIV
  • Measles
  • Herpes virus
  • Coltivirus

Typically, viral meningitis would go away without any treatment.

Fungal Meningitis:

This is comparatively a rare form but serious form of meningitis that doesn’t normally occur in healthy people. The individuals with an impaired immune system are more likely to get this form of meningitis.

What are the other causes of meningitis?

Apart from the above-mentioned causes, there are various other causes for the condition. The other causes can be reactions to medications or drug allergies, inflammatory diseases like lupus, and environmental toxins like heavy metals. The forms that are not caused by bacteria are collectively called as “aseptic meningitis”.

Who is at risk of contracting meningitis?

Literally, anyone can get this infection. However, a few population groups are at more risk of contracting the disease than others. They are the children under five years old, teenagers/young adults of sixteen to twenty-five years old, and adults above fifty-five. Other than age, the other risk factors for contracting meningitis include:

  • Skipping vaccinations
  • Living in community settings
  • Pregnancy
  • Weakened immune system

How is it treated?

The type of treatment given will be based on the cause of meningitis. As it is said before, viral meningitis wouldn’t require any treatment as it would resolve on its own. The symptoms will go away in two weeks and there will be no serious long-term issues linked to this form of meningitis. On the other hand, bacterial meningitis would need immediate hospitalized. Generally, the treatment would involve intravenous antibiotics, although there is no specific type of antibiotic for bacterial meningitis. The type of antibiotic used will depend on the type of bacteria responsible for the infection. Finally, fungal meningitis would be treated using antifungal agents.

How can it be prevented?

As explained before, the common bacteria and viruses that could cause meningitis would spread through coughing, sharing things, kissing, and so on. To avoid getting infected, people are advised to wash their hands frequently, practice good hygiene, stay fit, cover their mouths while sneezing/coughing, and watch out their food intake during pregnancy. In addition, getting plenty of rest, quit smoking, and avoiding contact with affected individuals would also help keep meningitis at bay!

2 comments on Everything You Need to Know About Meningitis

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Everything You Need to Know About Meningitis

Meningitis refers to inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes that enclose the human brain, as well as the spinal cord. Meningitis will occur when the fluid surrounding the meninges is infected and can be caused by certain bacteria, viruses, or funguses. In the United States, most cases of meningitis caused by a viral infection. Viral meningitis will be less severe, when compared to the other forms, and can be treated at home. The bacterial and fungal infections would require prolonged hospitalization.Here is a detailed guide on the various forms meningitis can take, and a further understanding of how it should be treated.

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